About LarryGowdy.com |
© 2007-2024 Grandmaster Forces a Draw, Larry Neal Gowdy
After weeks of testing and modifying several different themes from some of my old websites, the choice was to continue with the current theme, as well as to return to using Vasilina Sirotina's excellent photographs of Nature.
Unlike my numerous other sites that were primarily devoted to business, this is a hobby website, intended to be used for the personal enjoyment of occasionally coding and creating new web pages that relate to my lifetime hobby of research. One of the originating purposes for this site was to only present positive topics, to dwell within higher thoughts, of things beyond our current grasp, of things to be reached for, of things that make us make ourselves better. Some topics are not positive until the individual self-chooses self-betterment to become better than the topics' norm.
There is no known standard of logic within modern cultures. Nature is unchangeable, and since correct logic must use an unchangeable standard to base judgment, then Nature is the one and only possible standard. Therefore, all of my writings have always focused on Nature's way as the sole judge of right and wrong.
Also, it is common for this site to sit idle for weeks and months while I am involved in a new project. When the projects are completed, new articles will be uploaded that discuss the new topics.
Too, the domain name is my personal name. For about thirty years I did business as Larry Gowdy dba Larry Gowdy. It used to be common (and publicly deemed most professional and ethical) for businesses to be named the same as the founder's surname (i.e. Ford, Dodge, etc.: if a business owner hides his personal name behind a gimmicky name, then his business is likely a gimmick also.) My business websites also had my surname on them. Humorously, some not so bright individuals in high IQ societies repeatedly claimed that I was the Larry Gowdy in a different state thousands of miles away (the high IQ people do not know the difference been 'electrician' and 'electronic tech'), and so for this site I have purposefully added my middle name for further clarification that I am me.
The layout has been tested at several different resolutions on different browsers and operating systems. The site's text defaults to Clear Sans (from Apache/Intel), Arial, sans-serif, Times New Roman, times, and serif fonts for all English characters. If your computer does not have the fonts installed, then you will see whichever default serif and sans-serif fonts that your device is capable of displaying. For security and privacy reasons — for visitors as well as for myself — I do not use embedded fonts nor use downloaded fonts.
The default paragraph font size is 18 pixels, which enables a better clarity of display for some Asian texts while also keeping English characters near a similar height as the Asian characters. Please adjust your browser's zoom if the text is too large or too small for your device.
The Asian texts are currently coded for the Yu Mincho Demibold, Noto Serif CJK TC, and MingLiU fonts. The Yu Mincho Demibold font (© Jiyukibi Ltd.) has been added because it was found that the MingLiU font changes some text into simplified Chinese script. Most all Windows® users ought to see the non-English characters displayed correctly, or at least well enough. The Noto Serif CJK TC font is standard on some Linux distros like Mint and Solus, and is available from all known repositories.
At present, Clear Sans is the best known font for English characters, and Yu Mincho Demibold is the very best known font for Asian characters.
For several important reasons, for my own personal websites I only design pages to be viewed on desktop monitors and laptop screens. Due to the increasing popularity of desktops using very large monitors — and often at a distance — I have coded this site's pages to include improved viewing within narrowed browsers on large monitors, reduction of white space for reducing eye strain, and the smoother zooming of large text for visually impaired individuals as well as for the distant monitors. Please adjust your browser's width, height, and zoom to best fit your own preferences. For most all existing dual column article pages, a display of at least 280 pixels of width is ample, but a minimum width of about 440 pixels provides a much better viewing experience.
Due to the increase of international visitors using small handheld devices while on limited bandwidth, where feasible this site has reduced or eliminated graphics files so as to reduce the bandwidth needed to view each page. The site is already relatively lightweight: each page averages around 10kb, and each graphic averages around 30kb. Once the 30kb css file and 100-190kb background image are loaded, they are kept in the browser memory and do not have to be reloaded. Considering that many websites today have dozens of external links and numerous large graphics (often summing to 1mb-10mb per page), this site's 40kb to 170-260kb is tiny.
The goal is to create a website that is safe, stable, loads quickly, ensures privacy, is usable by as many users as is reasonable, and provides for a good place that people can visit to find something interesting and useful to read.
Most often, article topics will relate to whichever research project(s) that I am currently most focused on. The articles' first drafts are almost always very verbose, but after compressing the text down to a few core ideas, I can then feel that enough has been said, and I can then move on to other topics.
I predominately write about analyses because analyzing is what I have done since birth. I analyze most everything, continuously. My customers always liked me analyzing and fixing their electrical, electronic, and software problems: I am not shy about pointing at defects, nor shy about replacing defective parts with correct parts. However, some people do not like having their favorite topics analyzed. I do not purposefully insult any system of belief, but I am not shy to reject beliefs that are defective. As an example, I reject the idea of a soul's eternal state of bliss because only the three-dimensional organic human body is capable of expressing the three-dimensional organic emotion of bliss: non-organic souls cannot do that. I analyze everything relative to what is real in the real world: Nature. I do not blindly accept popular opinion.
As has been the standard of all of my online articles, the presented topics purposefully omit one or more of the key points that define the topic. Individuals who have done their own research will recognize why the key points are not given. One of the reasons for not mentioning the key points is that many readers would merely memorize the words, and the readers would then believe that they had acquired full knowledge of the topic. It is disrespectful to a reader to merely offer 'ear to mouth' answers without providing an opportunity for the reader to first exert the effort to think and to analyze a topic on their own.
As of November 04, 2020 I had uploaded numerous pathological science articles that were originally on one of my old websites. Aside from a few punctuation marks and typos corrected, the articles have not been changed from their original version. Any additional comments are noted on each individual page. The old articles' topics are useful as comparisons to the ancient Chinese topics, and illustrate that pseudo-science and pathological science existed thousands of years before the word science was coined.
This website does not use tracking scripts, embedded fonts, JavaScript, advertisements, cookies, external ad links, analytics, downloaded fonts, external files, nor any other coding that can pose a security or privacy concern for the user. This website only uses HTML 4.01 and CSS coding, which are the safest, fastest, and most stable of website programming languages for the greatest number of different devices. Each page's coding is also typed by hand, which ensures that there are no unsafe scripts. The hosting server does collect IP addresses for use within the monthly statistics of visitors, but no one except me looks at the IPs, and I only give attention to the IPs if/when there is an IP causing excessive bandwidth or hits. I do not know who my visitors are, nor do I pry.
An exemption to the above is that some pages like the Best of the Web article will have external links, but I have included notes in most of the articles to give information of the linked sites' degrees of security and privacy.
I do not collect, sell, rent, send junk email, nor in any way make use of a person's email except for my replying: private emails remain private, and I delete all emails that do not have an important reason to be kept.
Polite questions and comments are welcomed from visitors. The contact email address is aart at larrygowdy.com. The email address is changed periodically to help lessen the quantity of bot junk mail.
Our primary computers are kept offline for security purposes, and so we may only check personal email on a different computer once a day or so. Please be patient if we do not respond quickly.
Unless stated otherwise, all texts and graphics used throughout this website are my own original copyrighted creations, plus foreign language quotes from public domain texts. Most all quoted public domain English texts will have border lines on the left and right sides of the text.
This is an example of the borders and font size of where a public domain text is quoted. The font size may or may not be larger than normal so as to better display non-English characters. Some older articles may use the borders on copyrighted texts that are not public domain.
I retain all legal rights to the web design and all personally created content and use. 齊道 Chi Dao is the title of my own writings, not the translations nor the commentaries of other books.