Alo and De Close |
(PD) Alo and De Lake on Land.
Copyright ©2018 December 30, 2018
Alo: Yan, and Jun... closer now...
De: Yes... Jun, is, often, so quiet... her heart, glows... happy... deep warmths... no need, for, much talk...
Alo: It has been, useful, for Yan to find the ancient words... gives us, something, to talk about... something, to weave different topics into... speak of one, touch many...
De: Also while avoiding own words...
Alo: Yes... many things, cannot be spoken of... because, not good to learn...
De: Find old words... can then speak, similar words...
Alo: Yes... the ancient man, he spoke many words, now useful... many words he did not speak... maybe, he knew, but also knew to not speak of...
De: Six words... destroy a person's path, forever... never speak of... knowledge, so destructive...
Alo: Also, words of origins... I attempt hints... not know if the hints find good soil...
De: Sometimes... you, are, seemingly too close... one extra word, would say too much...
Alo: Yes... there, if the word were spoken, then knowledge is birthed... the birth, uncomfortable for other people...
De: The people, do not know... their beliefs, prove it to be so...
Alo: And if we say the words, would it not cause harm to many people?
De: Yes... surely it would... must remain, tense... remain, careful, to harm none...
Alo: When Morning Dove was here, I dropped many hints... became, concerned, of too many... luckily, no one appeared to recognize what the hints implied...
De: But you were careful... you did know when to not speak... give, the obvious, give, what all can see... but then, say no more... let people, assemble their own thoughts...
Alo: Fifteen years... openly I have spoken of differences... openly, spoke of no two emotions being the same... openly, spoke of Nature's way... openly, spoke that no two things can be same... but still, I am forced to speak of some things, as, if, they are identical... else would cause harm...
De: Yes... I have closely watched people's faces, as you speak your words... I have not yet seen eyes widen... no, discoveries... no, recognizing, what your words said openly...
Alo: I cherish the people here... all, wonderful in my heart... I wish, I could speak all words... share, give, all that I have... but, not able... you, you alone are the only person that I can speak all words...
De: You, are mine, also... hold, in heart, things that are beautiful, but cannot be spoken...
Alo: Ah... I was so close, to at least explaining to Morning Dove... it seems, so, proper, to at least tell your parents... but, perhaps not... the knowledge, would alter their lives... confuse, their paths...
De: Agreed... I had spoken, of pieces, when young... my family, I do not believe that they took it to heart... so, now, maybe, those memories, do not rise easily... not connect with today...
Alo: The greatest beauty, in my life... the greatest beauty, to exist anywhere, at any time... is you... and I cannot speak openly of it... the heart's need to share, is not permitted to share... very uncomfortable, but necessary...
De: Maybe someday... but, not a maybe anymore... now, promised...
Alo: Yes, precisely... some promises, never sincere... some promises, fail, because of changing circumstances... but one promise, never fails... always true... always right... never changes... a portion of my heart is anxious, another portion, hurts, feeling unworthy... wishing for more time, to become better... but, this... the promise is true...
De: And this, is ours...
Alo: We speak of this, to others, today, so the words will be heard, tomorrow... arrange the words to say one thing today... mean, a different thing tomorrow... hide, promise, in open words... almost a million words now, hide... three words hidden open...
De: Morning Dove, and elders... beginning... look back, from where began... know, aim, in present... know, now know...
Alo: And cannot know, until, looking back... cannot know, why, until, looking back...
De: Words to many... two hear... old, becomes new... always there... always known... we are there now...
Alo: When, Jun, and Yan, compound their walk... perhaps, then, their eyes will widen... my heart, yearns, that they also will walk, where no footprints yet exist... no room, to enter... nor, to end... no boundaries...
De: They are so close... if, when, they realize, the simple things that they have not noticed... maybe, then, they will also realize, the core way, of their own lives...
Alo: Years, also, pass quickly... someday, distant will be close... man, will remain, distant, always... man, not learn... but, our people... learn... our distant, is close... my heart, cries with agony, for you, your life... my heart, cries with happiness, for you, your life...
De: Mine, for you, also... always has...
Alo: And there... Jun and Yan, their only aim, is to achieve, to be better, for the other... a correct choice... harmony, correct way... not can have harmony, if, not give to another... not harmony, if, selfish... if, wanting, for one's self...
De: Heart, pours out... reaches, for nothing... wishes, nothing in return...
Alo: Key...