Alo and De Contrasts

Alo and De Contrasts #1

Alo and De Contrasts

(PD) Alo and De Lake on Land.

Larry Neal Gowdy

Copyright ©2018 September 05, 2018

(Foreword grammar explanation: the three periods '...' imply a relative durational pause that follows a word that is spoken within the tones, chords, and rhythms that imply [1] the speaker has not yet finished the speaker's sentence, or [2] the speaker has finished the sentence softly, with mindfulness, permitting the sentence to be of a varying caring tone... without ending the words abruptly, dogmatically, nor discourteously as is the normal English way of grammar. All sentences of Alo's, De's, and Jun's that end with a single period, the sentences' last words are of heart-felt tones that relate to the topic of discussion, but also signify that the next sentence will touch upon a different angle of topic that may be best spoken with tones and rhythms that better harmonize with the different topic.)

Alo: My wife... you and I... we come here, to be alone, separated from other people, where we can speak more openly... where our words can be left behind... left here, when we leave to go back home. I like this...

De: Yes... me too... it was a good choice... thoughts can find their release here... our not carrying the thoughts... not letting the thoughts disturb our day.

Alo: Here, when we look across our little lake, we see the whole... to focus the eyes upon a single tree, our eyes and minds are still aware and observing all other trees, and the lake, and the skies, the air, the temperatures, the varying temperatures, the aromas that flow softly, the sounds of birds and leaves, we are aware of our bodies' sensations, and all perceptions flow together to create a whole... peripheral vision, peripheral senses, peripheral thoughts, all, same time.

De: True, but it is normal for people like us...

Alo: Agreed, normal for us, not normal for others. And when we focus our attention upon a single tree, our attention is as reaching out, extended, sensing and observing the tree as if we were there... almost, as if, we are there, our senses touching the leaves by remembering previous touches, and now reasoned relative to the environment's current ambience.

De: Also true... the way of our people, and the way of how it is possible to sense enough, for cyclic self-reflection, to know and to express, compassion... a person cannot express compassion for a thing that is unknown.

Alo: Yes, if our senses were not outward, extended, caring, then either the senses would be fully numb, or else, the senses would be inward, selfish, and we would only feel what is felt upon the skin, and touched upon the nose... we could not know enough to know what exists outside of our bodies... all would become, as if, imaginary... of only what the mind invents of what the eyes see.

De: Yes... without outward senses, the heart could not know, and the heart would be cold, because, the heart could not have compassion for what cannot be sensed to exist. The mind might could invent a sympathy for what is seen, but without self-reflection, the heart cannot create a radiance of compassion.

Alo: And that is my curiosity... our cousins from across the west sea, thousands of years ago they wrote of senses that permeate... that of to become able to understand perceptions, quality individuals' way was to outwardly express perceptions. But, the people from across the east sea, apparently they cannot sense outwardly, and they have interpreted our cousins' words to imply things that were not written.

De: True... it appears, that the east people, they do not so much as understand what is meant by the 'spirit of the lake'. They have been angry at us for hundreds of years, because they cannot understand our words.

Alo: It troubles me, that if the east people cannot understand us today, then why do they claim that they can understand what our distant cousins said thousands of years ago? It seems as though the whole world is beginning to believe, and to think, as the people think from across the east sea... and that troubles me.

De: My smile is with compassion for your curiosities of man... the little book that you have been reading, it has stirred many questions.

Alo: My smile is aimed at my own mistake of having accidentally discovered the book's existence... because now I feel a curiosity and a need to find answers for things that can have no answers. The old book, it used sentences that relied upon one's own memories and correlations of previous sentences... it is the way of our people to remember, to analyze, and to sum concepts within the spheres of durations between different sentences, but the east people, they interpret the book to be of flat sequences, of no durations, and of no connections between sentences. When I read the book, its words are simple, and have meaning, but when I read how the east people interpret the book, their words conflict, and have no meaning.

De: But my curiosity, is, why is the book important to you? Have you found something of value in the words?

Alo: Yes... the words speak commonsense, of what is obvious, at least obvious to us, but of the way that the words are arranged, they offer to me new thoughts of how to express my own thoughts also... it is as if a new music, that permits a new melody of expressing one's emotions... the words are not new, but the music, it can be beautiful.

De: My chuckle is with thoughts of how you have begun to sometimes speak shorter sentences... of sometimes being more blunt of words, of using the 'not' word more often... and using 'also' at the ends of sentences also.

Alo: Yes, I too laugh at myself, for speaking more like our fathers, of when they first came here thousands of years ago... but, the way of the language, it carried more meaning... and I am pleased that the words also carry beauty of heart.

De: Your sly grin, it tells me that you have other thoughts of the book's words also.

Alo: Yes... I have not yet read all of the book's words to know for sure, but it appears that the things that the east people value most as their own way, came from our west cousins, and I am humored... the east people confused the words then, as the east people still confuse the words now.

De: Ah, my laughter is of the ridiculousness, that the east people have carved statues of the man who claimed that we are savages, and yet, the people also claim that our way is their own ideal?

Alo: Yes, and that, is both funny and troubling, but, it too is spoken of in our cousins' book, that there are good people who sense, think, and care for others, while there are tiny people who cannot grasp the cousins' words, nor care for others.

De: Then, that is why the east people have no compassion...

Alo: Agreed... and I am concerned for the east people... their lives must be miserable if their hearts are selfish, and have no warmth.

De: Maybe, then, that is why some people speak of escaping this life? To escape suffering? To not reincarnate? To not be miserable again?

Alo: Might be, but, my curiosity is to wonder why some people believe in things that cannot be true. Our bodies, only this form of body can feel and express the senses and emotions that this body is capable of... to escape reincarnation, what sort of body would remain? And how could it be possible for a non-three-dimensional soul to express the same emotions as our bodies express? There could be no compassion, no love, no kindness from the heart, no bliss, nothing known to man.

De: It appears that the people do not grasp how, nor why, emotions arise, and the people have invented peculiar beliefs that cannot be true. Nature is the only standard of what is real and not real... and of what is possible and not possible. A belief, that a human will experience human emotions without a human body, is not logical.

Alo: Agreed. And something else within the writings of all outside cultures'... the people have claimed that love is a singular thing, of only one tone.

De: Oh, but that is not right!

Alo: I know, it is very wrong, but too, the writings also give evidence that the writers did not know what they claimed to know. The only boundary of love is the capacity of the body to endure the intensities, but of all of the books that I have read, all of the books claimed that there is only one tone, and only one intensity of love. How can a man follow a teaching of love, if the teaching itself does not state precisely what the tone is?

De: Then it is true... they do not know Nature's way. If Nature had boundaries of creativity, then how could Creation have been created? How could life have begun? No, from what you have told me of the books, the people might claim to follow Nature's way, but the people are not living Nature's way.

Alo: Apparently not, but these are the types of things that people have been told to believe, and the people appear to have accepted the words, because, the words were spoken by men who were claimed to be masters.

De: Forgive me of my giggles, but that is silly! A man who claims that creativity has boundaries, he cannot be a master, nor so much as be wise in the ways of Nature.

Alo: True, and too, I have not yet found any writing that speaks of how different ingredients flavor the whole. The books speak as though there can only be one taste, one sound, one color, one warmth, one cold, one sight, one sharpness, one dullness, one, one, one, everything in the books speak as though there is only one, and that each emotion is one without any variations. To me, the writings seem to have come from a flat world, of left and right, of forwards and backwards, but of no upwards nor downwards, and no connections in-between any direction.

De: And you said that the books were written by adults, and not by little children?

Alo: Yes... unfortunately, that is correct.

De: The poor people, how miserable their lives must be.

Alo: But, I wonder... in the physical world, does not a person have to have contrasts to reason what is good and what is bad?

De: Yes, I believe that is surely correct... I know of no other way.

Alo: Then, if the people had no contrasts through firsthand experience, and no knowledge of what is miserable and what is happiness, then, would the people know that they are miserable?

De: Again forgive me of my laughter, but, I think you are correct. Ah, the laughter so quickly ebbs into pity... the poor people, maybe they really do not know?

Alo: From what they have written in their books, no, apparently not...