Alo and De Generation

Alo and De Generation #83

Alo and De Generation

(PD) Alo and De Lake on Land.

Larry Neal Gowdy

Copyright ©2018 December 04, 2018

Yan: I grinned when seeing the ancient man's words... 'stupid and good oneself, because cheap and good oneself... similar today it generation rebel old it way... although have it goodness thoughtfulness, not-have it position likewise, not brave stand-up manners, fun why'. I thought of it as being humorous to see the main author doing a little venting himself...

Alo: Yes, smiles for me also. I have seen other men, well-known throughout the history of the world, do a little venting about the younger generation... it is a natural way of life. Younger generations rebel against older generations... and older generations complain about the younger generation, but, the older generation had also rebelled when they were young. It is just a very normal and natural way of the human creature to develop and mature...

Yan: Yes, cannot blame a child for wanting to have fun, and, cannot blame a child for not yet having grown wise from having lived a long life... any faults found when old, will likely have been similar to one's own faults when young.

Alo: Agreed... but look at the differences of generations also. The elders, some of them speak of what the world was like during the great wars... other elders speak of generations during other major times... each description of each generation, is different. Great war, had few store gadgets, but most boys knew how the gadgets and cars worked... the music was lively but silly to us now, people actually talked to each other... people did not use the telephone much... did not have televisions, but people often listened to radio programs late at night... and the foods that they ate, were usually very healthy because food businesses had not yet learned how to cheat so much. We cannot imagine what their world might have been like to the people living at that time.

Yan: And the other generation, of a smaller war, those elders speak of a different kind of music that was rudely rebellious against the older generation... the people watched television often, had many gadgets, teenagers lived carelessly, almost all teenagers roamed city streets at night... it was a time of major rebellions.

Alo: And look at the current younger generation... more gadgets than anyone can use... almost no young person knows how any gadget or car works... the children were raised watching television, the children now carry little television-telephones in their hands, the children are unable to do much of anything else... people rarely talk to each other now, rarely is a city teenager seen outdoors at night, and the foods are filthy... rebellions are few, if any at all, as if the children have been pacified with trinket gadgets... but the problems were not caused by the children, the problems were caused by the adults, and now the children have little other choice.

Yan: It seems as though the whole of history is marked with squabbles between generations...

Alo: As it should be also. Observe the natural way of the human creature... humans develop in stages... terrible twos, fearsome fives, rebellion by early teenage years, begin learning how to better get along with other people by late teenage years... major change of goals in life by around thirty, fifty-year-old crazies when finding all past goals to have been mistakes... human life is a continuous progress of stages... does not stop until the body dies.

Yan: Then, natural for younger generations to rebel, and natural for older generations to complain about younger generations...

Alo: Yes, but, also, the blame still rests most heavily on the older generation... always has. Rules of life and nation, ought to be with harmony with Nature... be with harmony of the natural development of the human body... the older generations have invented laws and customs that defy Nature's way... and so of course the self-destructive behaviors of people worsen, and the quality of life itself continues to plummet.

Yan: That is true... I wanted to marry when I was about fifteen... most all other children my age, they also wanted to marry... today's laws forbid people from marrying until much older.

Alo: Look at the natural cycles... rebelling when near the marrying age... that was the accepted way throughout most of history, until recently... it is natural, Nature's way, that rebellion against parents occurs when the child is ready to leave the home and marry... the natural way is that the child then later matures enough to regain harmonious relations with parents... man's laws cannot change Nature's way, and man's laws harm all children by forcing the children to exist and to endure under a harsh law that goes against every child's natural development.

Yan: Makes me wonder, what it might be like, if governments chose laws that were in agreement with Nature... chose laws that promoted Nature's way... I would imagine that most children would likely grow-up far happier than what we lived through.

Alo: Most, if not all, of the elders remember when it was common to marry by around sixteen... some married by thirteen... and anyone still not married by eighteen was considered to have a problem... females were called 'spinsters'. The elders' generations built the foundation of the nation that we live in today, and the elders' generations did so while somewhat following Nature's way.

De: If a law over life, can be changed, then it was never valid...

Alo: Very much agreed... and it so clearly expresses the intense ignorance of the older generations, because they attempted to force invalid laws that defied what is real within Reality... Nature's way never changes... Nature is always valid...

Yan: Kind of funny in a way, but we are amongst an older generation now, and we are admitting that it is our fault that the younger generation is suffering. We might have been stupid when younger, and not know what the older generation was doing wrong, but we do know now, and what are we doing about it? Almost nothing?

Alo: True, but... look at what Morning Dove and the other elders have done... they opened the door for us to now improve ourselves. And too, we are attempting to help our own people... we wish to explain to everyone, of all generations, that our laws and customs would be most beneficial if the laws and customs were weighed relative to Nature's way... harmonize with Nature's way...

Yan: The outsiders... probably cannot be helped now... the people are too far disconnected from Reality... it would require a huge teenage rebellion against the older generation... and from what I saw in cities, I hold no hope that that could happen... after all, what could they share as a common goal? Few or none would, nor could, choose a good goal.

Alo: 'Previous king... use order heaven under, people apply harmony peaceful'... 'statesman place, use respect heaven under, him become person noble'... hundreds of references to ancient kings and junzies using Nature's way, and always with success... I am not as familiar with city people as you, but, is there no hope?

Yan: I do not see it possible... it would be a high achievement to find one person interested... an extreme to find two people... not enough reason to sway a change...

Alo: Not enough fun...

Yan: Yes...

Alo: But, my question, is that if the outsiders so dearly believe in their global religion, and the global religion claims to follow and to know everything about Nature, then is it not hypocrisy for any generation to so openly defy their own religion?

Yan: Indeed it is... extreme hypocrisy...