Alo and De Not Profit

Alo and De Not Profit #119

Alo and De Not Profit

(PD) Alo and De Lake on Land.

Larry Neal Gowdy

Copyright ©2019 January 30, 2019

Alo: The ancient symbol, that implies 'nation', 'country', or 'state'... the symbol is as square, of four connecting borders, plus, an interior enclosure, and farms inside the borders. The symbol is suitable for use, by us, to imply 'community' also... community borders, central voice, and many independent farms. The topic, of today, is of how the mouth should speak... of what words the mouth should say...

Morning Dove: And that is the elders' question, of what form of central governing might be best for our people.

Shan: It has appeared to us that the more that the elders discuss the topic, the more dissatisfied we are with the choices. When extrapolating the natural evolution of a community, we keep finding that the community will quickly die and become just one more neighborhood within the outsiders' cultures.

Ellen: The core problem that I myself have trouble with, is how to manage the financial needs of the community. We are already seeing how the people leasing our lands are causing problems caused by the people's selfishness, and, if we do not find a better way of governing the community, then everything that we have worked for will be wasted.

Yan: Ancient story... Meng Zi visited a king... the king asked Meng Zi how to profit the nation. Meng Zi answered... 'King, why must say profit? Just have benevolence, justice, and completed'... perhaps, similar would be chosen for our community...

Morning Dove: Agreed, benevolence and justice are among the topmost important things, but a reality of life is the need for things like self-defense, plus a way to survive in this world. The survival itself requires money, and that is where the elders are stumped. How do we choose where the money will come from, and how to use the money?

Yan: Pause, and look back at how today's cultures arrived... observe what the outsiders did... learn their mistakes... not choose same mistakes...

Tom: Easy for all of us to say, but not easy to do. My concerns are similar to Ellen's, that we will eventually become just one more outsider community if we cannot find-out why the outsiders made their mistakes.

Alo: Observe, way of outsiders today... use, examples, of how outsiders choose choices. Easy example... violent man, with 70 IQ, writes words... subservient man, with 85 IQ, believes words... words become popular... vainglory man, with 110 IQ, desires social status, so, also believes words... topmost scholar man, with 130 IQ, memorizes many of the words... all of the people, say, crazy man with 200 IQ is genius because he memorized all of the 70 IQ man's words...

Tom: Ha! Actually true! Ha!

Alo: Violence rules world... selfishness rules cultures... all of today's nations are similar... if, elders, choose a similar path as outsiders', then, our community becomes, as if, subservient followers of violent 70 IQ men...

Shan: Our chuckles... nervous chuckles, because the idea is actually a little too real.

Ellen: Unsettling to me... makes me shake inside, recognizing that we do indeed follow along within ruts of behaviors that were created by the lowest outsiders.

Alo: And there, the outsider cultures did not begin with smart men... outsider cultures, and world beliefs, are still not governed by smart men... rare, very rare, almost unheard of, for a governing outsider to have scored at the ceiling of an IQ test... similarly rare in all outsider occupations and systems of belief... the outsider way, is based upon the seventy and eighty-five IQ people, of violence and greed... all nations, all systems of economics, similar...

Yan: Contrast with our elders... most did score at, or near, IQ test ceilings...

Morning Dove: But that is normal for our people... for us it would abnormal to be normal with outsiders...

Alo: Then, as Meng Zi might ask, why consider a community that accepts popular outsider opinions?

Yan: Outsider phrase... why jump off cliff just because all outsiders jump off first?

Ellen: Ow... makes my mind hurt... so then, yes, we have indeed been thinking inline with the outsiders' ways, of governments, economies, and social structures... makes me feel repulsed at myself for not having recognized it before.

Alo: What Yan had said of Meng Zi... choose, benevolence, and justice... there, completed...

Morning Dove: That is agreed, but only within the borders of our community... what about outside the borders? What about the violence? What about having to pay land taxes? Regardless of how good our people might be, and become, still the outsiders will continue to exist, and continue to attempt to invade us.

Alo: Buffer... similar, as the people who lease our lands... enable, a better buffer... make use of outsider greed... let outsider greed, become buffer...

Yan: Greed, is stronger than violence... simple... what, are outsiders, most greedy for?

Shan: Now that is an interesting thing to think about! Outsider greed varies, but is very predictable. People who desire material possessions, they seek victims with a lot of money, or, the people desire eternal material possessions in heavens. Then, if we are poor, then there would be no robbing, and... wait a minute... that's it!

Morning Dove: Precisely! Buffer with outsider beliefs of eternal riches! Nothing there to rob, and, the buffers' borders would not be left by their people, because the belief in eternal riches would only exist within the beliefs' borders.

Alo: Yes... someday, when our community must leave here... make it possible for the community to move into the belly of outsider ideologies... the ideologies, become their own borders... not invade ours... become, our buffer...

Ellen: Then, make use of outsider selfishness... enable our people to grow, by letting outsiders choose selfishness... just, do it smartly.

Alo: Someday, our community will travel... another land... there, live within the nation's laws... make use of nation's laws of tax exemptions... surround our community, with communities of outsider ideologies... hide, in belly, of outsider greed...

Morning Dove: That could work, but I still have the question of self-defense. Eventually, all nations will have internal strife... what then?

Alo: World, all nations, always have, fallen... regrouped, fall again... there is no permanence, no guarantee, that there will not be violence, but... make plans now, enable community people, to have other places to hide, until when the nations regroup... first, choose, a secluded region... keep it secret... not let outsiders know that it exists...

Yan: There, I have seen a similar region... west... distant, secluded... decent people nearby... and odd also, that the region is known to have once been the most violent... but there, the things that the violence did not touch, were of the nation-people's love of justice...