Best of the Web

Best of the Web

Odilon Redon - Buddha

(PD) Redon Buddha

Larry Neal Gowdy

Copyright ©2010-2024 — updated December 27, 2024

This article was originally created in 2010. In 2021, while choosing which articles in the private network were to be added to this website, I decided to include this article because it does have value to the reader. The 'best of' list is very short, but each is long of quality and/or usefulness.

Unfortunately, several of the links within the original article have had to be removed due to [1] the websites no longer being active, and [2] some of the linked websites' coding has changed to be aggressively intrusive — HUGE — of tracking scripts, ads that track and abuse visitors, and spyware (intentional or not). Each site's comments will have a note that gives a brief list of any known security and/or privacy weaknesses that might exist on the linked website. In today's Internet, everyone ought to be using good ad and JavaScript blockers (like No-Script) anyway, but I wanted you to be aware of any potential privacy threat that might exist from a linked website. I mention No-Script because it has always worked best for me, but there may be others of similar usefulness.

Update December 27, 2024: While doing a routine inspection of linked websites, the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum link (which was once at the top of the list) has now been permanently removed.

John Thompson on the Guqin Silk String Zither

John Thompson on the Guqin Silk String Zither is deeply impressive for its extensive base of information about the guqin, but far more impressive is that the information is from Thompson's own personal firsthand experience with the topics. The site includes a lot of history as well as self-created MP3s. If you have an interest in classical Chinese qin music, then this is an absolute must-visit site.

(Note: the site uses HTML only, which makes it superbly safe to visit.)

Project Gutenberg

Project Gutenberg is surely one of the world's most prized collections of classic literature, and it is all free online.

(Note: of what was seen, the site's coding appears to be remarkably safe for such a large website, which lends evidence that Project Gutenberg is a legit organization.)

The Great Debate Creation vs. Evolution

The Great Debate Creation vs. Evolution video itself is not the important item, but rather what is found within the video. Perhaps the most intelligent stance attainable in any discussion is as what Dr. Matthew Rainbow (professor of biochemistry and molecular biology at Antelope Valley College) said during the debate: "...What are the three most important words to use in the English language? Answer; "I love you." Okay? Now what are the second most important three words to use in the English language? "I don't know."" Little better validates an individual's level of academic accomplishment and intellectual acumen than to hold Dr. Rainbow's thoughts as one's own standards of life. I myself might not agree with either side's arguments, but I do fully support Rainbow's ethical stance.

(Note: the original link (split with spaces so as to permit word-wrap) was http:/ /video .goo au/ goo glep laye r.swf ?do cid=- 569 2813 9876 4731 153. A current link for the video (also split with spaces so as to permit word-wrap) is https://www watch?v=Q9JVcwy UcEI. The links are fully controlled by, so use a blocker like No-Script to help reduce the privacy and security impact.)

Jesus Out of the Box

Jesus Out of the Box (by Rev. Dr. George Byron Koch from Issue #181, June 2006 of Noesis - The Journal of the Mega Society). Of the uncounted thousands of comments that I have read in the various philosophy and high IQ societies, Koch's short article stands alone in my mind as the single most memorable and useful of all. Do please invest a few minutes of your time to read the article. (The behavior of the universe is analogous to what Koch wrote, and the behavior ought to be obvious to everyone, especially those who believe of themselves to be scientific and/or philosophical, and it is an embarrassment upon humanity that humans continue missing the most simple of observations.)

To very briefly add to my original comments above, most every good thing that Koch mentioned is also found in ancient Chinese texts, and with greater details. Confucius' junzi, Mozi's Universal Love, Laozi's virtue, and on and on. Nature does not change: what was correct in 6,000 B.C., 500 B.C., and 30 A.D., is still correct today.

(Note: no security faults were seen during the last visit; the website is very nicely safe to visit.)


SomaFM online radio is quite good. I like listening to the Drone Zone while writing and coding, and especially when working with fresh Linux installations that have no music files but have the Amarok player to stream online radio. At last count, SomaFM had 33 stations to select from, with each playing music that you may never hear anywhere else online.

(Note: at last glance, SomaFM did not have any immediate privacy threats. Aside from the links that are of no concern unless the visitor clicks on the links, the site appears to be fully safe to visit.)

Web Museum, Paris

Web Museum, Paris was my original source for fine art graphics used on my websites. Aside from the artwork, there are useful comments about the artists.

(Note: the site uses the analytics, so use a blocker like No-Script to block all goo* scripts.)

Brian Crain

Brian Crain is a pianist whose music is gentle, emotionally stirring, and very much alive. Perhaps if a person enjoys Yanni, then the individual might find Crain's work to be even more preferred. Andante Affettuosso was the cut that I first heard, and it would not let me go. While working on a new web page of mine, I had listened to the "Piano and Cello Duet" album over a dozen times in less than one week; the music and finished web design were hypnotic. You will likely never see the web page since it is of a high-end design for private display only, but you can listen to portions of Brian Crain's excellent music online.

(Note: the site uses the analytics and other scripts, so use a blocker like No-Script to block all goo* scripts.)