The Books of the Creator - The Harmony of Creation

The Books of the Creator
The Harmony of Creation

Harmony Creation

(CC0) Photo by Daniela Kokina - minor modifications by Larry Neal Gowdy

Larry Neal Gowdy - Copyright©2014-2024 - original dated September 01, 2014, edited for display June 05, 2024.


Forward Logic
Virtuous Woman
Virtuous Man


The Books of the Creator is a rough initial draft of an article that was never finished. However, although not edited for clarifications of intent, nor for smoothness of language, still the reader ought to find some of the ideas to be worthy of contemplation.

Too, The Books of the Creator was created and edited within the harmony of Constance Demby's music of Invocation, which sets the mood, tempo, and rhythm. The original version included an embedded link to the music. If an individual does not have the music to be listened to, then the music can be found at

Forward Logic

You are a living human being who is intelligent enough to look at Nature and to determine what is real and not real. Nature dictates what is real and what is not real; man's ideologies do not dictate what is real and not real. You have eyes to see Nature, and you have a mind to recognize what exists within Nature. Use your sensory perceptions and mind to be your guide, your own guide, your only guide.

How horrible it is to a little man when another individual does not follow the man's religion. John Stewart Mill's Utilitarianism is a useful example because Mill is popularly believed to have possibly been the world's greatest academic prodigy, and yet Utilitarianism was as childish and utterly wrong as all of the other failed philosophies created by boorish men. Where was the evidence of Mill's superior intellect if the best that his mind could muster was to merely parrot what other men had said before? Utilitarianism is a philosophy that preaches all men to be so identical of mind and body that all men of all ages and all environments should desire to follow a single philosophy. Utilitarianism does not take into account the Nature-dictated phases of mental and body development, nor does Utilitarianism take into account that each human's psychological structure is based upon different ingredients that require different choices to create an individual's harmony with their environment and with themselves.

Believe it or not, humans are not born fully knowledgeable of everything in life. Humans must learn the differences of up and down, left and right, heavy and light, darkness and daylight, sunlight and incandescent light, aromas, textures, seasons, tastes, and on and on. As the mind learns through the firsthand experience of interacting with Nature, the mind's development is accompanied with and influenced by the body's development. Believe it or not, a child cannot know the sensation of love within marriage until the child's body has sufficiently matured to enable a desire for a spouse. It is insane for adults to preach to an adolescent child that the child must behave with adult emotions, and yet all ideologies teach exactly that.

A man cannot express compassion for a thing that he does not know to exist, and it is through the firsthand experience of life that the smart man observes and learns what exists. By what things an individual experiences in life, so will the things influence the individual's standards, desires, and needs. The child needs one form of guidance and learning, while the young adult needs another form, and the older adult needs yet another. It is insanely ignorant for a man like Mill or any other to claim and to attempt to force a single philosophy upon all humans. The philosophies, religions, and academics were invented by adults for adults, for a specific age group that has a very narrow range of firsthand experiences, and the systems of belief do not apply to all age groups, but the adults in their great ignorance insist that what appears rational to them at their age must be the same identical logic that all humans should share, including the children who have not yet so much as learned what the sensation of love and compassion might be.

Mill was a priest of the religion of academia, and the believers in the religion of academia scream in defiance of all who choose to not bow and submit to all Utilitarian-like beliefs, and though Utilitarianism exhibits no evidence of intellectual superiority over any other man or ideology, still the religion of academia worships Mill because he professed with his mouth that academia is the one true truth. Utilitarianism did not speak of Nature, Utilitarianism did not apply a reasoning relative to what is observable in Nature, and the absence of a Nature-based logic resulted in but one more absurdity of man: Utilitarianism.

For a man's philosophy to be of benefit to the man, the philosophy must harmonize with the man's current age, current state of mental development, current state of body development, current state of social development, and never will a single philosophy be applicable for all humans. Humans are not identical, humans were not created equal, and never ever will humans be so similar that a single philosophy can guide all men.

The world of humans is collapsing. The atrocities of terrorists are not new things - all generations have suffered similar atrocities - but today the childishness of violent men has a different potential than when man was younger. In previous generations violent men only had sticks and swords, and man could not commit too much harm. But today man has weapons that can do great harm, and as no intelligent adult would hand an untrained child an armed nuclear weapon, likewise is mankind still adolescent, and yet he has been handed weapons that can destroy all living things.

Fifty years ago it was common in my region of the world for humans to value the respect for other people and for the respect given in return. Most people cared to not offend other people. Most people were reasonably polite. We had no need to close our doors at night except to keep out bad weather. We had no need to lock our cars, nor to remove our possessions. Yes, there were dishonest individuals, but the percentage was very low, of well under one percent, and the degree of dishonesty was of relatively little monetary value. In my region of the world, if consenting adults wanted to play cards or do whatever they wanted behind closed doors, then fine, that was their business, not ours, but the doors must remain closed else the business becomes everyone's.

The humans in my region of the world may not have well understood why respect was favorable, and the people may not have understood why respect created peace among the people, but the people did know to resist the violence of disrespect.

Today the doors have been opened, and the extremists violently demand that everyone else must believe in and behave with the same beliefs and behaviors as the extremists'. Violence is violence, and violence against a man is still violence. Today there is a major push to make it socially acceptable for violent men to commit violence upon other men. The violent men have persuaded politicians to pass laws to force peaceful men to submit to violence, and society must accept the violence or else suffer greater violence. For a man to force a bullet, a negative word, a fist, or anything else upon another man, it is violence. It makes no difference that the violent man screams that he is not violent; he is still violent. Violence is the behavior of dull minds; always has been, always will be.

Like Utilitarianism that copied other men's ideas, so do violent men steal other men's ideas and weapons. Violent men are not smart enough to be creative. Violent men do not create productive civilizations, violent men do not create useful technologies, and the only thing that violent men accomplish is to destroy life and everything that the Creator created. Today's social push to legitimize violence of man upon man is unacceptable. The peaceful man, who otherwise would have sat peacefully in his home, tending to his own affairs, caring for the welfare of his neighbors, now he is being forced to stand and resist violence, the peaceful man being harmed in violence because of violence.

If an adult has an adult preference, then fine, the man should enjoy that preference with his doors closed, and to not force with violence his preferences on other people. The peaceful man must now stand and say no to the violence that the violent and ignorant men want to force upon everyone else. Say no to lies, no to disrespect, no to adult perversions, and no to all other forms of violence.

A negative influence upon a child always produces a negative adulthood, which can never be remedied. Everyone learns from their own mistakes, and the child is able to self-correct himself, enabling a positive adulthood, but violence forced upon a child cannot become a positive learning experience. The violence of today, forced upon all children, is a horrendously evil thing that destroys the individual, the culture, and mankind itself.

The Books of the Creator - BOOK ONE

Creativity is the act of two or more things existing in harmony to create a new thing that cannot exist without two or more things acting harmoniously. The marriage of a man and woman cannot exist without both the man and wife. Water does not exist without oxygen and hydrogen harmonizing creatively. All things are the created products of harmony.

The ultimate value is creativity. Nothing would exist if there were no potential for creativity. Creativity is the one foundation upon which all is created. The smart man discovers the nature of creativity, and the man then measures his life relative to that which is creative.

All men share the same sky. All men share the same air. All men share the same planet. All men were created by the same creativity that created all things. We place a name upon that which creates, and we name it the Creator. The Creator is the ultimate good, and nothing that exists existed prior to the Creator. Each man stands at a location different than all other men, and each man sees the Creator from a different angle, but the Creator's creativity is seen by all men.

Each man's interpretation of the Creator is different, but all men see how the Creator's creativity is creative. In all of the created universe all men can see that creativity exists when two or more objects exist together harmoniously through the third act of simultaneous movement. Creativity does not exist when objects do not harmonize. The Creator knows harmony.

The man who desires to think correctly, he acknowledges the existence of the sky, he acknowledges the existence of air, he acknowledges the existence of the planet, he forms all thoughts by what his senses sense of creation, and he acknowledges the creativity of harmony. The man who does not acknowledge the creativity of harmony is a man whose mind cannot see the sky nor the planet.

Before the beginning of time there was no time. The Creator created the elements of the universe through the act of ever-changing harmonious actions, and when man walked the earth, it was then that man's mind recognized the changes, and man invented the concept of time. Time only exists in man's mind, and that which is beyond what man can sense cannot possess the concept of time. There is only the beginning of what man can sense, but before the beginning the Creator was of the attribute of creativity. All that was created is composed of an attribute of the Creator's. The Creator's attribute exists and resides within all things. The Creator is present.

[Added Note: "Time only exists in man's mind" is literal. Some souls, sometimes named 'tulku', are conscious of their reincarnations, the 'I' observing the behavior of one's new body forming, the I observing the mind's creation of the sense of 'time' (often named "duration" within this site's articles), and the I knowing that 'time' is an invention of the body's relationships with itself. There is only the 'now'; the now is always in progress of being and becoming. Any child, who is born without the knowing that there is only the now, the I, and the flow of Creation, the child can never attain an awareness of the Creator's Creation. All ideological teachings about time, regardless of whether the beliefs were spoken of by Mills, Sidis, James, Einstein, or any other, are false. The false teachings prove man's greatest wisdom, to be of mental hallucinations.]

The Creator's creation is formed upon three or more components acting in harmony. No object that exists can exist without the object being composed of three components. As a man and a woman are creative and harmonious when they choose the third component of a marriage of caring for the other individual, so likewise are the Creator's creations based upon an ever-changing impermanence of components that give and receive. Harmony is the act of one component fully giving of itself and allowing of itself to be influenced by a second component, and of the second component in return fully giving of itself and allowing of itself to be influenced by the first component.

When a man stands alone, not giving of himself for the betterment of another individual and for creation, that man is not harmonious, his nature is destructive, and he acts in opposition to the Creator's nature. Harmony is chosen. Harmony is the product of choice.

The changes of objects and elements are perpetual, but harmony amongst living beings is a chosen thing, an act that mirrors the Creator's nature. The Creator placed the Creator's laws of creativity into all of creation, for all to see and for all to reason by. All healthy men see the sky, all healthy men feel the air, all healthy men see the planet, and all healthy men can see the Creator's laws of creativity.

Man desires to be smart, to know correct knowledge, to not make errors that other men recognize to be wrong thoughts. Man desires to see the sky correctly, to feel the air correctly, and to know that his interpretation of the Creator's creation is an accurate interpretation. The man whose mind is set on correctness recognizes the Creator's creativity, and the man chooses to be smart by behaving with similar creativity. Man's choices are based upon what he perceives of the Creator's creation. The smart man chooses to follow and to behave like the Creator's behavior because the Creator's creation is that which is logical, because the Creator's creation is that of which all smart logic is based.

A man cannot reason about a thing of height without the man having sensed height within creation: man's reasoning is based upon the Creator's creation. Man cannot reason about a thing of weight without the man having sensed weight within creation: man's reasoning is based upon the Creator's creation. All accurate logic is based upon what is perceived of the Creator's creation. If a man wishes to be smart, then he forms his thoughts to be in agreement with the Creator's creation. Creativity is the root of the Creator's creation, and the smart man chooses creativity to be the measure of the man's reasoning.

The Books of the Creator - BOOK TWO

Though a man may write a book that claims that there is no sky, the smart man knows that there is a Creator-created sky, and the smart man will ignore what the book may claim. The smart man chooses the Creator's creation to be the first and only point of reference for all reasoning.

Though a book might be true or false, it makes no difference to the man whose mind is focused upon the Creator's creation. The Creator's creativity is the only thing in the universe that is unchanging and permanent. The unchanging thing becomes the standard upon which all else is measured. The Creator's creativity is the measure by which man is measured, and the Creator's creativity is the measure by which man's books are measured.

Harmony amongst the elements is temporary, always changing relative to external influences, but the laws of harmony that created the elements remain unchanged. The harmony amongst individuals is chosen, only changing relative to internal influences. The Creator created the elements that harmonize because of external influences, but man can behave as the Creator and choose that which to harmonize with. The harmony of the elements is of a different means than the harmony of aware minds.

The smart man behaves as the Creator behaves. The smart man's body is temporary, but his actions are harmonious. The smart man thinks, and he chooses harmony with man and creation because it is the smart choice, because harmony is correct thinking, because harmony is creative.

The harmony, of correctness of speech and the correct intent of speech, creates the concept of honesty. Creative harmony is correctness of thought and behavior, and the man's behavior is good because his behavior is in harmony with his environment, because his behavior is in harmony with the Creator's creation.

The harmony, of inaccurate speech and the intent to not speak accurately, is the creation of lies. The inaccuracy of thought and behavior is not harmonious to the man's environment, nor to himself, nor is the behavior harmonious with the Creator's creation, and the man's actions are destructive because the acts destroy harmony between the man and the Creator's creation.

That which is good is in harmony with the Creator's creation. That which is good is creative. That which is bad is not in harmony with the Creator's creation. That which is bad is destructive.

The Creator's created elements are in the movement of change, of being adaptable to harmonize. The elements react harmoniously for one reason, but the act of living harmoniously is for another reason, and the reason is that of creative thinking.

The smart man thinks creatively because the smart man can see the Creator's creativity, and because the smart man chooses to think and behave smartly.

The Books of the Creator - BOOK THREE

He who has harmony, he is creative, and he will receive more, his creativity will create more. He who is without harmony, what little he now has will be taken away, being lost because he is not harmonious, because his behavior is destructive.

If a man's neighbor is unjust, then the smart man ignores the unjust neighbor. The unjust neighbor is not creative, and the unjust neighbor will self-destruct because the neighbor is not creative.

If a man's government is unjust, then the smart man ignores the unjust government. The unjust government is not creative, and the unjust government will self-destruct because the government is not creative.

The smart man first chooses to measure his own life by the measure of the Creator's creativity. The smart man chooses harmony and creativity above all else.

The smart man gives all to his family, his acts are harmonious, and he defends his family's safety because he has given all in harmony. The welfare of one family member is the welfare of all. If one family member suffers, then all family members suffer.

If a man's society is not productive towards creativity, then the man focuses on himself, ensuring first that he himself is creative, and if the man is good, then in future generations his descendants will reap the benefits of creativity. His acts of today are creative, and the acts will create that which his heart yearns.

All living beings possess the innate Creator-given right of life. The smart man defends his family's right for life, while the smart man does not deny the Creator-given right of life for other living beings.

With thankfulness to all nourishment, with thankfulness to the Creator and to the nourishment itself, the heart-felt gratitude is beneficial for the health of body and mind, which is evidence to the man that his act of thankfulness is good because the act is creative.

With a love of knowledge, with a love of wisdom, with a love of family, with a love of the Creator, and with the love of creation, man chooses that which is harmonious and creative.

The Books of the Creator - BOOK FOUR

The smart man blends good ingredients to create a good flavor of bread, and the smart man blends good mental ingredients to create a good flavor of mind and personality; his thoughts and behavior are creative with the aim of being harmonious with creation.

The smart man combines accuracy of thought with the harmonious behavior of gentleness to create a nature of virtue. The smart man combines virtue with creative ideals to create righteousness. The smart man with power over his own self loves his own self virtuously. These things are creative because they harmonize with and improve creation; the man's behavior is creative.

The smart man always leaves a place in better condition than when he arrived.

The smart man sways other men to become harmonious with him because he is virtuous and creative within his harmony with the Creator's creation. The smart man does not convince, but by example he becomes that which other men want for themselves; that which is smart of thought and behavior.

The smart man learns to be aware of his own body's senses so that he can become aware of the Creator's creation.

The smart man is continually within thought and contemplation of what he senses within the Creator's creation.

The smart man is aware of his love for all things created by the Creator, for love is itself the choice to harmonize, to allow one's self to be wholly influenced by another, a full surrender to the betterment of another.

The Books of the Creator - BOOK FIVE

If a society is unjust, and a man cannot relocate his family to another region, then the man must accept this life as not yet being ideal. The smart man creates a better environment that is gentle and creative.

Only the Creator is perfect; man must learn and choose to be in harmony with creation.

Though a society might be unjust today, it will not become just tomorrow if its inhabitants are not themselves just. The smart man becomes the one seed that changes the world one person at a time. It is wise and honorable to accept the responsibility of being that one seed.

A man living on a few acres of land, with sufficient food and shelter, it is enough. The smart man aims for self-betterment, of a nature that is harmonious with the Creator's creation, and he does not aim to attain a warehouse filled with merchandise. One item of high quality is of more value than a world of low quality possessions. The smart man is of high quality, and nothing else can compare to the value of his mind and heart.

The virtuous woman is the virtuous man's greatest treasure. Accuracy of thought, carefulness of speech, gentleness towards all things, a sincere concern for the betterment and creativity towards all things, the virtuous woman influences the husband to himself try harder to please his wife, and the husband and wife create a quality bond of harmony that is beautiful and creative.

No virtuous woman would willingly marry an un-virtuous man. If a man wants a quality wife, then the man must himself first be of quality enough to attract a quality woman.

That which a man finds to be beautiful is that which the man most values: the man's sense of beauty defines his own inward self.

The smart man is not late, he is always in thought and he knows to be present at the accurate time.

What have you received, and what have you given in return? The smart man always gives more than what he receives.

A standard is a man's ethic. The standard that all things are measured by is the Creator's creativity. Morality is the act of placing one's standard into motion. The act of behaving in harmony with the Creator's creativity is moral. The smart man has good ethics and behaves with good morals.

The Books of the Creator - BOOK SIX

When wars erupt by bad men, what is the smart man's choice? Creation does not permit a perfect choice; to help a neighbor on our left, we must choose to not first help a neighbor on the right. To save a drowning child at a lake, we must first choose to not be present to save a child at a river. All choices arrive at the cost of not being capable of choosing all choices simultaneously. The smart man makes choices based upon his own current point of view, and he knows that his choices are not perfect, but the choices are right for the moment and weighed to be of the moment's highest good, as well as the future's highest good.

The poor man with no possessions cannot be robbed. The poor man does not suffer the unhealthy stress of worrying about one's material riches. The smart man of a good heart cannot be robbed. The smart man chooses that which is of value, and that which remains true for all of his life.

Life's experiences and hindsight are the teachers of wisdom. The good man regrets his youthful errors. The quality child, if taught, if correctly given an explanation, will choose quality behavior because the child will understand that to have no regrets later in life, then the child must choose good choices today. Quality instruction is not by the rod, but by love and the patience to explain the teachings of hindsight.

The dull man is not harmed by negativity because the dull man cannot think well enough to be harmed by negativity. The smart man is easily harmed by negativity because his mind is sensitive to the Creator's creation. How greatly the Creator's sensitivity must be, and how greatly the Creator must be harmed by negativity.

The Books of the Creator - BOOK SEVEN

The Creator is creative through harmony. The smart man who honors the Creator is creative through harmony.

The smart man is creative, his mind is cautious to think of that which is harmonious.

The smart man pauses and thinks of what is harmonious, and then he acts with harmony.

The female is not equal nor inferior, she is superior. The male treats the female by his own standard, and if his own mind is inferior, so then do his actions towards the female prove his own mind. The superior man treats the female as superior.

Males and females are not identical nor the same. Males and females are different. Males and females were created differently. Males and females live by different needs. Harmony between the male and female is the goal and the path to creativity.

The Books of the Creator - BOOK EIGHT

That which harmonizes, creates.

The harmony of accurate words and intent creates honesty. The harmony of inaccurate words and intent creates lies. The harmony of a smart male and a smart female creates smart children. The harmony of a dull male and a dull female creates dull children.

The Creator's creation permits man to choose what man wishes to create.

By which ingredients a man harmonizes, so becomes his creation.

Healthy food is an ingredient of smart children. Healthy food is an ingredient of smart parents. The smart man chooses his ingredients wisely so that he might create that which is good.

The smart child learns in the womb. By what emotions that the mother and father emit, so does the child feel and learn by.

To give birth to a smart child, the parents must first be smart. To birth an honorable child, first the parents must be honorable. Become that which is the goal so that the unborn child can learn what the goal is.

One error does not nullify the whole of a man's life. One good choice does not make right the whole of a man's life. To create a harmonious life requires many good choices. To create a harmonious child requires many good generations.

To birth a virtuous child, first there must exist virtue. One form of virtue is the creation of accuracy of thought combined with the gentleness of action that is formed upon the caring for the welfare of others.

The virtuous child who is gentle with love for the Creator's creation, that child can add more ingredients to become righteous in the eyes of the Creator. The parents of the virtuous child are of high value within the Creator's creation, for they chose to create that which is harmonious with creation.

Love and honor the wife above that of one's own self, and there will be harmony as the wife loves and honors the husband above her own self. Within the Creator's creation there is no creation as unlimited of effect as that of reciprocated love, and the effect is immediate.

Virtuous Woman

She talks with her eyes, her movements of body confirm what the eyes describe, her eyes are honest, sincere, depths of life reflected in what my heart feels.

Her eyes tell me of a kindness, of a gentleness, of a hurting, of a yearning for love, to love, to be loved, of a harmony.

She is aware, of a mind that is awake, thoughts weighing heavy on past experiences, her eyes tell her story and where she is now present.

And she is present with me.

There is no need to speak, her heart guides her eyes, I am aware of what she feels, and her feelings are for me.

Her eyes speak of inward thoughts, of inward feelings, of a drawing me near, not of eyes that speak of forwardness, but of eyes of a soul that wishes to surrender, to be of harmony, to be of me.

When I give motion, of my left fist upon my chest, the fist pulsing as if the heart, with my right hand I hold the left, and my right hand places the left within her hands, I have given her my heart, and her eyes tell me with tears that she accepts, appreciates, and desires for it to be so.

I do not want a heaven, nor a paradise, nor a wealth of possessions, nothing, nothing but to be here in the present, within her eyes.

Within her presence, within her eyes, I am fulfilled, content, forever exalted within perfection, and I want nothing else, forever.

And what do your eyes tell her?

The man who cannot speak with his eyes, he has no heart, nor a mind, and he will never know nor experience the created beauty that is the harmony within love.

Virtuous Man

The soldier's ingredients are of honor and self-demanded responsibility to one's own culture, the culture that formed the creation's environment in which the soldier learned of what is valuable for his own nature. Effort, self-sacrifice, honor, defending one's culture, these are among the ingredients that define the soldier.

The policeman's ingredients are of justice, of fairness, to hold the laws of one's culture to be respected by all inhabitants, and he protects the victims from injustice. Accuracy of thought, justice, self-sacrifice for the retention of the culture's standards, these are among the ingredients that define the policeman.

The western cowboy's ingredients are a love of creation, a love of being in creation, a love of being a part of creation, a self-chosen demand for accuracy of speech, to be honorable, responsible for one's own actions, to demand his respect for other's feelings as well as their respect for his feelings. Honesty, hard work, kindness, respect, oneness with creation, these are among the ingredients that define the western cowboy.

The teacher's ingredients are of a zeal for knowledge, a desire to learn knowledge, to become knowledgeable, to hold within one's mind a high quantity of knowledge, and these are the ingredients that define the teacher.

The monk's ingredients are a yearning for righteousness, a yearning to be proper of mind and heart, a yearning to self-create a quality soul, a yearning to fulfill all that is of love and properness. The yearning for properness of heart is the root ingredient that defines a monk.

The carpenter's ingredients are an enjoyment of assembling materials, of creating structures, of crafting elegant designs, of accurately choosing which materials add beauty and longevity. The love of creating structures is an ingredient that defines the carpenter.

Each individual's ingredients are different. Humans are not identical. No singular ideology can fulfill and be creative for all men. The human body has many parts, but no single part is the nature of the man. The skin is made healthy by being touched by the sun, but the eyes are harmed by the sun. The stomach must have water, but the lungs must not ingest water. As each part of a man must receive different ingredients to retain health and to keep the body alive, so must mankind recognize that all men are different and must have different ingredients to keep mankind healthy and alive.

As the body is of many parts, and yet one body, so is mankind of many parts, and yet one body. Feed each part that which nourishes the part alone, and do not attempt to force one part's nourishment upon a different part. The Creator created all living beings this way, and no man nor any man's ideology can supersede what the Creator created.

The soldier is needed to defend the monk, the monk is needed to inspire the cowboy, the cowboy is needed to feed the carpenter, the carpenter is needed to build the teacher's classroom, the teacher is needed to instruct the policeman, and the policeman's justice is needed to give reason for the soldier.

Nothing in creation exists alone by itself. Nothing in creation came into existence by itself. All things in creation exist through harmonizing with other things. As the Creator created, so does man have the potential to create, but only if man chooses.

I can see the sky, the sky that the Creator created, and I know from my observation that the sky exists. I can see the body, the body that the Creator created with many parts, and I know from my observation that the body has many different parts. Mankind has many parts, but the parts each attempt to be the whole body, the parts insisting that all other parts become the same part. The human body cannot live if there is only a brain, or only a heart, or only the hands, or only the lungs, no, the body must coexist in harmony, the many different parts working together in harmony, and when all is in harmony it is then that the body is healthy and creative. This is what the Creator made, and this is the law of the Creator's, that to exist, life must be harmonious.

Let the lungs be the lungs, let the legs be the legs, and let each part perform its purpose. Let each nation be its own nation, let each culture be its own culture, let each belief be its own belief, let the worker work, let the scholar learn, and let the body of man be healthy with differences in harmony.

The mind listens to the stomach, the feet take the body to food, the hands place food in the mouth, the mouth chews the food, the throat gives the stomach food. Remove one part and the body dies. Remove one part and mankind dies.

This is what the Creator made: harmony by design cannot be defied, and harmony among the living is by choice. Man must choose.

See my sky. I created it out of love for you. I created the air that you feel. I created the planet upon which you stand. I created all of this out of love. Everything that I created is open for you to see, feel, smell, taste, and hear. See me, feel me, smell me, taste me, hear me, I am here. He who finds my way, he will find his way, for this is how I created creation; with love, the love that gives within harmony.