Police Shoot Unarmed Man

In The News

Police Shoot Unarmed Man

In The News - James Tissot - Going to Business

(PD) James Tissot - Going to Business - In The News

Larry Neal Gowdy

Copyright ©2014-2021 - updated June 11, 2021

In 1993 I woke up in the middle of the night with a gnawing sense of an intense imminent problem unlike anything that I had ever experienced before. Unable to go back to sleep, I went into the living room to sit. Minutes later a young man (whom I had never before met) attempted to break into my home while he repeatedly screamed that he was going to kill us all. I quickly walked to a gun safe located beside the front door and chose an AK-variant rifle (I had placed the safe there a couple weeks earlier due to another gut-feeling that I needed easy access). Stepping back to where the boy could see me through the glass door, I loaded a thirty round magazine into the rifle and cocked the action, my being ready to empty the magazine into the crazy man if he entered the house (heavy-set individuals on drugs have been known to not be easily downed with only one or two shots to the torso, so a twenty to thirty round magazine is deemed to have a margin of safety for defenders). The Desert Storm veteran temporarily slowed his attack, his saying that my "shotgun" did not scare him (his calling an AK a shotgun concerned me more than his attempt to murder me; he later said that he could dodge bullets, and so the boy was quite obviously either insane or suffering from a bad reaction to drugs). I closed the front door, called 911, and the police dispatcher could still hear the man screaming that he was going to come in and kill us all.

When the sound of the man's beating on the storm door indicated that he would soon be breaking into the house, I stood up from where I was sitting on the sofa so that when he entered the house I could fire at a downward angle so as to reduce the chance of bullets over-penetrating and hitting a neighbor's house. Fortunately a police car had been nearby and arrived seconds before the man broke down my door.

The police refused to arrest the man, the police refused to permit me to press criminal charges against the man, and I was not reimbursed for damages to my storm door. From what little I was able to learn, the young man was being groomed for politics (democratic party), and the courts would not permit a criminal charge to be placed on his record.

For another month the young man continued his death threats by telephoning me. I recorded several of his threats on tape, and finally I was able to get a restraining order on the boy. I never learned what the outcome was, but I did discover that he had been released on a thousand dollar bond. In my region of the world, trespassing, break-ins, and attempted murder were far less serious crimes than telephone threats.

After twenty years of my wondering if the boy would again attempt to murder my family, or if he had indeed become an elected politician, in recent weeks I discovered that the boy had moved to Cleveland where he became a preacher, a church high school teacher, and died in 2008. The idea of his having become a preacher was sickly humorous, but the idea of his having been given a role of authority over children deeply troubled me.

In recent months there have been numerous news articles crying about unarmed individuals being killed by police officers. It has been my experience that unarmed individuals can pose a greater threat than armed individuals, and though I have almost no respect for authority of any form, still I do lean towards suspecting that most of the officers likely had a good reason for their actions.

The public's violent reactions to the reports give ample evidence of the problem itself: the regions' populations are themselves violent, and their violent behavior further substantiates the officers' reports of feeling that their lives were in danger. The recent Kurdish riots and murders in Turkey showed why the Kurds there are deemed terrorists, and the violent riots here in the USA show why some populations are deemed violent; because they are violent.

In my occupation I have dealt with hundreds of thousands of individuals from all walks of life, I have serviced security systems for many city, county, and state law enforcement departments throughout the Texas panhandle — including minimum to maximum security prisons and courtrooms — and in my experience I would estimate that over ninety percent of the government employees are good decent people, but yes there are a few bad ones. If a law enforcement officer goes bad then that one individual should be singled-out and removed, and there should never be a march, protest, or riot. The rioting in the American southeast is destructive behavior and only serves to harden the remaining good officers.

Mixed among the many news articles is a continuing cry from the radicalized left-wingers to remove all guns from American citizens. Of the dozens of times that I have saved my family and other people from death by my owning a gun (and not once having to fire a shot), I can only view the anti-gun crowd as being violent themselves because they would much prefer that my family and yours be beaten to death with fists and clubs rather than for me to defend our lives. The world is not a safe place, it never has been and likely never will be, and if a police officer has shot a citizen — armed or unarmed — then let's first get the facts, including whether the deceased was insane or on drugs.

Whether a riot is in Turkey, Asia, or the USA, always does the riot prove the people's true natures.

If a male is old enough to enlist in the military, vote, marry, be tried as an adult in a criminal trial, and commit a string of violent crimes, then the male is an adult and should not be reported as an innocent teenager. The news media is partially to blame for the riots; the news media instigates riots by slanting the facts to create the appearance that an injustice has occurred rather than a likely necessary act of self-defense.

Update February 10, 2021

When this news article was first written back in 2014, the quantity of violence in the streets of the USA was on the increase, and the violence continues to get worse. Now, instead of one unarmed man attempting to break into people's homes to commit murder, now large mobs of armed and unarmed rioters are breaking into people's homes and businesses, sometimes murdering the home and business owners, and the mobs as well as the new media blame and hate on the victims who defended themselves.

Apparently the problem is not limited to the USA; similar riots are being reported within numerous nations throughout the world. Based upon the hysteria and fanaticalism of protesters' and rioters', unless the instigators behind the riots cease, the violence will further increase until a real civil war erupts. If a real civil war does erupt, it is expected than at minimum there will be millions of people killed in the USA alone.

All mass news media ought to be held criminally liable for their fake news that has instigated much of the violence. All individuals who have participated in protests and riots ought to be held criminally liable for their violence. From the defender's point of view, there is no alternative of protecting one's family through use of a gun, regardless of whether the murdering mobs are armed or not.