清靜經 Qing Jing Jing - Quiet Calm Weave #11

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Place use not capable person-ist, meaning heart have-not settle person-ist
Desire have-not expel (also (end of sentence))

(draft translation of 清靜經 Qing Jing Jing - Quiet Calm Weave)

The loaf of wheat bread sat with legs crossed yoga-style as the wheat bread hummed at a wall while desiring to become rye bread. In time, the wheat bread self-hypnotized itself to believe that it had become rye bread.

Followers of Qing Jing Jing sit with legs crossed yoga-style as the followers hum at a wall while desiring to become quiet calm. In time, the followers self-hypnotize themselves to believe that they have become quiet calm.

As easily as it is to see that wheat bread never becomes rye bread, so is it easy to see that no follower of any ideology has ever become what they self-hypnotized themselves to believe.

The self-proclaimed masters, their body language illustrates deceit and selfishness, their vocal tones openly describe deceit and vainglory, their aromas are of blends arrived from deceit and ignorance, and their written words illustrate patterns of abberant contradictions and lies. No known master of any known ideology has ever exhibited the inner qualities that the individuals claim for themselves. Surely Qing Jing Jing will not break the pattern.

A public domain translation: "Those who cannot accomplish this have minds not yet settled, and are not yet rid of desires."

Except where noted, all content is copyright©2001-2024 by Larry Neal Gowdy. All rights reserved. Updated August 01, 2024.