清靜經 Qing Jing Jing - Quiet Calm Weave #14

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Place empty already not-have, not-have not-have also not-have
Not-have not-have already not-have, profound but constant lonely
Lonely not-have place lonely, desire how-can-it-be capable nature-bud
Desire then not nature-bud, reach be true not-move
True not-move accept thing, true constant obtain nature
Constant accept constant not-move, constant fresh-clear-quiet not-move (particle)

(draft translation of 清靜經 Qing Jing Jing - Quiet Calm Weave)

Hegelian philosophy is Qing Jing Jing reincarnated!!

Though the book's 'description' is separatus mentes alogicus, still the ideas are sort of valid. If/when an individual has learned how to mentally pause their conscious analyses, the individual may then experience desire-free states of consciousness. However, the desire-free state is the product of negative ingredients that included selfishness, greed, and desire. The desire-free state is not the product of quality inner traits.

The simplified bottom line is that the Qing Jing Jing style of 'emptiness' is merely a chosen state of mentally choosing to not knowingly process conscious thoughts. There is nothing unique, special, mystical, magical, supernatural, nor enlightened about the very natural ability to choose one's own thoughts.

To individuals who naturally self-think and extrapolate without directed effort, the stories of Wonhyo's sudden ability to extrapolate are unsettling within their inference that basic self-thinking is considered by some people to only be possible within mystical enlightenment. One individual's common every-day act of cross-lighting and extrapolation, is another person's 'sudden enlightenment' epiphany.

As given, the Qing Jing Jing 'emptiness' is childishly simplistic, a method of mental escapism from one's own personal responsibilities, and not a high achievement.

A public domain translation: "Since the emptiness is empty, that which is not empty is also empty. Since what is not empty is empty, there is clarity and constant tranquility. Since this tranquility has nothing which is tranquil, what can give birth to desires? Since desires are unborn, this is itself true stillness, true constant response to phenomena, true constant attainment and abiding. With constant response and constant stillness, this is indeed constant purity and stillness!"

Except where noted, all content is copyright©2001-2024 by Larry Neal Gowdy. All rights reserved. Updated August 01, 2024.