清靜經 Qing Jing Jing - Quiet Calm Weave #7

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Fresh-quiet-bud person-ist muddy-polluted it-him root-source-origin
Clear-calm-not-move person-ist move it-him foundation

(draft translation of 清靜經 Qing Jing Jing - Quiet Calm Weave)

Some children are born 'fresh-quiet', but then become 'muddy-polluted' by man's crudeness. It is a false statement to claim that everyone's 'root-source-origin' is 'muddy-polluted'. As is very normal and common, ideologists believe that quality inner traits can only be achieved as an adult following the ideology's teachings.

Quality inner traits never occur from following another person's teaching. It simply cannot be done. It is a Nature-based physics that it is the inner that creates the outer. The outer cannot create the inner. To choose to follow another man's teachings, one's inner qualities must lower themselves down into submission. The inner ingredient of submission is not a quality inner trait.

Many people know that the inner ingredients of bread are what dictate the outer product, but almost no one extrapolates that their own inner ingredients dictate their own outer self. All ideologies deny that all things are the products of their inner ingredients.

Some children begin life 'clear-calm-bud', and then later become 'agitated-movement' when born into man's crudeness. Too, the 'moving heavens' did not create the 'non-moving earth'. The book's metaphors-analogies are false.

As is normal within all known Buddhist writings, the author simply invented bizarre claims that cannot possibly be true.

Nevertheless, it is true that once an individual has been dirtied by man's crudeness, the individual's future 'quiet-calm' must arise from the 'dirty-agitation' of life.

A public domain translation: "Purity is the source of impurity, and movement is the basis of stillness."

Except where noted, all content is copyright©2001-2024 by Larry Neal Gowdy. All rights reserved. Updated August 01, 2024.